“Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment”, are all moveable items necessary for the furnishing and operation of each space in a building project
Take your preliminary indicative schedules/notes for the proposed finishes, fixtures, furniture that were developed during the Schematic Design of the project and bring them up to industry standards so that they can easily be used for the refinement of the estimated budget for the Project.
Steps of the process:
You: Project Schematic design
You: Tentative finishes, furniture, fixtures
Isida.co: Annotate drawings with exact FF&E specifications - Elevation Generation available, Overnight Service eligible
Isida.co: Generate schedules with exact FF&E specifications - Overnight Service eligible
Isida.co: Make adjustments after client feedback
Isida.co: Prepare separate/individual FF&E schedules for trades/vendors to price
Together: Successfully budget for the Project
*Overnight Service: Send us your files by 5pm (local time) and receive project progress by 9am (local time) of the next business day.